OS : Win XP / Vista / 7
Proc : Pentium 4 atau Amd AthlonXP
Ram : 256 MB atau lebih
Vga : Nvidia Geforce 4 series / Ati Radeon 9000 series (atau lebih tinggi)
The Entire Span of Human History Is In Your HandsProduct InformationDominate 6000 years of history from the Ancient Age to the Information Age.Which forces will you deploy to lead your nation to global prominence? Tradeespionage diplomacy…war? Whichever path you choose you’ll experience thepulse pounding thrill and speed of real-time gaming combined with the epic scopeand depth of turn-based strategy games – brought together for the first timeever in Rise of Nations.Rise of Nations is a new historical real time strategy game developed by BigHuge Games’ Brian Reynolds designer of PC game classics such as Civilization2 and Alpha Centauri.In Rise of Nations you'll create new cities improve city infrastructuresand expand national borders. Conquer foes through military might usingeverything from sling-shots to cannons to stealth bom bers to nuclear weapons;corner the market on key commodities and consolidate power under your rule;wheel and deal across time with history's eminent cultures.Product HighlightsMore than 200 military units appear in Rise of Nations. Each of the 18 nationshas at least special units of its own and all share several types of units incommon. Each military unit looks slightly different depending on which nationdeploys it and will change in appearance over time.18 nations and over 200 military units combine in Rise of Nations and movethrough 8 epochs of history. Each nation also has its own special units. Thethousands of variations within the game's elements will take you hours of playto see...6000 years of human history unfold across 8 distinct epochs in Rise of Nations.Each of the 8 epochs in the game represents a time period from history in thereal world. Key technological changes like the invention of gunpowder serve aslines between ages. As the game and your nation advance you will have newer andmore powerful units at your disposal.Ancient ca 2000 BCThe starting age of th
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