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Senin, 21 Desember 2015

Battle Realm (1 cd)

Battle Realm (1 cd)
OS : Win XP / Vista / 7
Proc : Pentium 4 atau Amd AthlonXP
Ram : 256 MB atau lebih
Vga : Nvidia Geforce 2 series / Ati Radeon 7000 series (atau lebih tinggi)

Battle Realms follows the basic formula for many real-time strategy games. All of its factions have similar buildings with similar uses and workers. However, unlike in most real-time strategy games, the peasant worker unit is not just used for resource gathering and construction, but also for training into military units. Thus, military buildings in Battle Realms are not used for making units, but for transforming and upgrading them. Peasants gather the two resources in the game: rice and water. They also round up horses, which can be used to enhance military units in the game and can be outfitted as pack horses for peasants. Only one type of builder unit is required.

Peasants are the only units the player can produce outright. Most of the buildings available are training structures where peasants are trained into numerous other units. All the factions start off with 3 basic central training structures, which produce units along different paths of warfare, such as melee or ranged combat. In most cases, units can be trained at up to 3 structures to produce higher tiers of infantry.
Harga Rp.  9.000,-                                                                            
Harga Belum Termasuk Ongkos Kirim.                                         
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