OS : Win XP / Vista / 7
Proc : Pentium 4 atau Amd Athlon64
Ram : 1 GB
Vga : Nvidia Geforce 7300 GT / Ati RadeonX1650 (atau lebih tinggi)
Yar's Revenge's art design will strike you right from the get-go, and it is hands down the best element of the game. The anime-inspired reimagining of Yar and the locales she battles in are exceptionally well done, with slick-looking environments, machinery, and monsters throughout. There are some low-resolution textures here and there, and the nondescript soundtrack isn't much of an accompaniment. But the sheer imagination and effort that has gone into the world design makes it immediately engaging and worthy of commendation.
If everything else about Yar's Revenge was as strong as the art design, it would be great. Unfortunately, the actual gameplay tries to mimic the genre's best without really understanding what makes those games good
Harga Rp. 9.500,-
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