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Selasa, 22 Desember 2015

Tropico 4 (1 dvd)

Tropico 4 (1 dvd)
OS : Vista / 7
Proc : Dual Core 2,4 Ghz atau Amd Athlon64 X2 4600
Ram : 1 GB atau lebih
Vga : Nvidia Geforce 7600 GT / Ati Radeon X1800 (atau lebih tinggi)]

The game's campaign makes for 20 missions on 10 different maps. They start out with the main character, "El Presidente," having seized control of a certain island. Imports can be monitored as well as exports (whereas the previous games in the series only allowed for coverage on exports). Tropico 4 includes more superpowers. A council of ministers exists which the player can consult on a range of different issues. The player will have to deal with natural disasters and the demands of different political factions each with their own ideological outlook. A Steam only version will be made which includes another island for sandbox mode and another pair of clothes for your Custom El Presidente. It is set to come out for purchase 1 day after the release date. In the new game, there will be 20 new buildings including a shopping mall.
Harga Rp.  9.500,-                                                                            
Harga Belum Termasuk Ongkos Kirim.                                         
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