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Kamis, 05 November 2015

Streets of Moscow

Streets of Moscow
Gamez System Hardware Requirements
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP SP2
Processor: Pentium 4 at 2 GHz (or comparable)
Memory: 512MB RAM
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 6600 128MB or ATI Radeon 9800 128MB
Hard disc: 3GB free disc space
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP SP2
Processor: Intel Core2 Duo 2.2GHz or Pentium 4 at 2 GHz with Ageia PhysX
Memory: 1GB RAM or more
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 7800 512MB or ATI Radeon 1900XT 512MB
Hard disc: 3 GB free disc space
NB :
-. Setiap pembelian 5 DVD PC gamez, akan mendapatkan bonus 1 CD PC Gamez full version & dalam ukuran 1 CD full (700MB).
-. Setiap pembelian 10 DVD PC Gamez, akan mendapatkan bonus 1 DVD Blu Ray film (720p) atau DVD PC Gamez (optional)
Harga Rp.  7.500,-                                                                             
Harga Belum Termasuk Ongkos Kirim.                                         
Info Lengkap dan Pemesanan (Order) Klik Tombol Beli di sini      

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