Gamez System Hardware Requirements
Windows XP SP2 or Vista
AMD Athlon 2000\Intel Pentium 2400GHz [Game demands support of instructions SSE by the processor]
512 MB RAM
1x speed DVD-ROM drive or better
ATI Radeon 9500\nVidia GeForce 6600 128 Mb [NOTE: Game is not started on video cards series nVidia GeForce FX]
DirectX 9 Compatible Sound Card
NB :
-. Setiap pembelian 5 DVD PC gamez, akan mendapatkan bonus 1 CD PC Gamez full version & dalam ukuran 1 CD full (700MB).
-. Setiap pembelian 10 DVD PC Gamez, akan mendapatkan bonus 1 DVD Blu Ray film (720p) atau DVD PC Gamez (optional)
Harga Rp. 7.500,-
Harga Belum Termasuk Ongkos
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