Far Cry 3 system requirements for PC gamers won’t be too demanding, and will only feature modest system requirements. Far Cry 3 will run on a wide range of PCs due do its use of the Dunia engine, which has been used and refined over the past many years. Far Cry 2 was powered by the Dunia engine, and Far Cry 3 will powered by the same technology, albeit a modified version. Here are the Far Cry 3 specs that we know of so far:
Far Cry 3 system requirements (minimum)
CPU: 2.0 GHz dual core processor
RAM: 1GB of system memory
Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible card with 256 MB RAM. Nvidia 8-series or AMD Radeon 3000 series graphics cards.
Operating system: Windows XP
DirectX compatible audio card
12 GB of hard disk space
Far Cry 3 system requirements (recommended)
CPU: 2.4 GHz quad core Intel or AMD processor
Graphics: DirectX 11 compatible card with 1GB of video memory, Nvidia 400-series or AMD 5000-series.
Operating system: Windows 7
DirectX compatible audio card
12 GB of hard disk sp
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